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Charlie Hancock receives Community Leadership Award

Posted Thursday, September 12, 2024
ConnectionsLatest News 2024 Fall

Charlie Hancock, does it again.

We at CHC are so proud of Charlie, and his receipt of this valuable and prestigious award. His leadership style and skill is no surprise to us.  CHC would never have existed without Charlie's leadership and creativity.  We are indeed lucky to be part of Charlie's orbit.  This award does not even mention all the things Charlie does, as it is really hard to keep up.  Not only do things happen under Charlie's watch, but he makes the work so much fun.  Congrats to our friend and colleague.  Way to go!

Photo and text from the VCRD Award Announcement:

The VT Community Leadership Award is presented each year to celebrate Vermonters who exemplify “dedication, integrity and honorable service to community and to rural Vermont,” and who have had a “transformational” effect on their communities. We present the award to highlight the work of community heroes who epitomize the best spirit of local community service, who are volunteers — not paid employees or elected officials — and whose work has made their community a better place.


2024 Community Leadership Award – Charlie Hancock

The 2024 Vermont Community Leadership Award was presented to Charlie Hancock of Montgomery, Vermont at the 5th annual VT Community Leadership Summit on August 6, 2024. Charlie epitomizes the best of service to community. His contribution of time, energy and skill, and his unwavering commitment to Montgomery and to Vermont has been extraordinary. While on the Selectboard in Montgomery, he helped lead the community through several critical community development initiatives including a major village streetscape improvement project and municipal wastewater system, a project prioritized in Montgomery’s 2018 Community Visit process. Charlie shows up for his community and Vermont in so many ways. He has been chair of the Montgomery Selectboard since 2016, is vice-chair of the Vermont Land Trust Board of Trustees, sits on the Vermont League of Cities and Towns Board of Directors, and is vice-chair of the State of Vermont’s Working Lands Enterprise Board. Charlie also served as the chair of the Future of Vermont Action Team, a group convened by VCRD to advance the elements of the Vermont Proposition. All that while working as a full-time forester, currently serving as the Franklin and Grand Isle County Forester with the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks, and Recreation.

It’s an honor to recognize Charlie for his tremendous community leadership and celebrate all of the skills, talents, and dedication he brings to Montgomery and to his work and volunteerism across Vermont.