The Birder Broker program is a new collaboration between Bird Diva Consulting and the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, with the goal of connecting birders with landowners curious about the birds on their property while at the same time contributing new data to Vermont eBird.
Our purpose is to create a way in which we can build our knowledge about breeding birds on private lands. With over 80% of forested land in Vermont owned by private landowners, we see an opportunity to not only gather data for Vermont eBird but provide landowners with information about songbirds that will help them with their land management choices.
If you are interested in being paired with an experienced local birder who will walk your property and collect data through Vermont eBird, please visit our website and fill out the Landowner Form to register your land in the program.
We ask that all landowners that are paired with a birder work together to determine a route to walk through the property at least three times during June and July in order to record data during the breeding season into Vermont eBird.
Getting involved with the Birder Broker program is a great way to learn about the birds on your property, contribute to valuable citizen science research, and hopefully make new friends along the way!
For more details and to register, please visit the Bird Broker webpage at: or contact us at