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Apple Tree Pruning and Release

Setting the Table for Wildlife or Yourself

Saturday, February 22·10:00am – 12:00pm

1630 Country Club Rd. Brandon, VT

Join Vermont Coverts, Coverts Cooperator Rich Chalmers, and landowners Jennie Masterson and Len Schmidt for a hands-on workshop to learn about and try simple techniques for pruning and releasing apple trees. Find out which tools to use, how much to prune, how and where to make the pruning cuts,and when it should be done. If there is interest, we can visit last year's grafted apples and learn about several different grafting techniques as well. Bring along your pruning saw, loppers and clippers to try your hand at making some cuts. We'll have a place to shelter if the weather is nasty and will invite participants to linger and enjoy wood-fired pizza after the work part of the workshop. Sponsored by Vermont Coverts: Woodlands for Wildlife.  The workshop is free and open to the public.


...or e-mail lisa@ with questions or inquiries.