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Annual Winter Bird Count

Annual Winter Bird Count

Saturday, December 14, 202412:01 AM 
Sunday, January 5, 202512:00 AM

Previously called the Christmas Bird Count, this National annual event includes multiple circles in our area in which many Green Mountain Audubon Society members and others have participated.

VT Coverts is coordinating multiple groups throughout Vermont. Group details can be found HERE.

If you don't see your area listed, search the District Map linked below for your nearest Bird Count Group.


Follow these steps to participate in Audubon's Christmas Bird Count:
Step 1
Read these details to become familiar with Audubon's Christmas Bird Count.
Step 2
Check out the map above to find a count near you. Green and yellow circles are open for new participants, and red circles are full. 
Step 3
To arrange participation contact compilers by email in advance of count day by using the information from the circle pop-ups on the map. 
Step 4
Sign up for American Birds so you can hear about the results of the Christmas Bird Count and other Audubon community science programs!
Step 5
Already signed up for a count? Then head over to our CBC Live tracker to see photos posted from others who are scouting for or participating in the Christmas Bird Count, and upload your own photos!

For more information from the National Audubon Society follow the link below: