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Bluffside Farm Ski & Snowshoe Tour

Saturday, February 22nd from10:00am – 12:00pm

Grab your snowshoes or skis and hit the trails of Bluffside Farm where you will explore together, discussing wildlife habitat, the fields and managed forests, invasive species control and a wetland restoration project on the property. The event is suitable for all ages and abilities. Dress for a winter day outdoors. If no snow plan to walk.

We will meet at 10AM for an hour and a half, moderately paced, beginner-level ski/snowshoe/walk and discussion. Hot drinks and some sweets will be provided afterwards. Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged. This is a free event sponsored by Vermont Land Trust as well as, Memphremagog Watershed AssociationMemphremagog TrailsThe City of Newport, and Vermont Woodlands Association.
