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Wildlife Tracking Club

February 9th from 10-11:30AM

Sunday mornings in January and February
10 – 11:30 am | Free | All experience levels welcome | No RSVP Required
Outings will be cancelled in the event of poor weather. Check our website for updates.
Designed for adults. Not appropriate for young children.

Explore with NBNC naturalists and fellow nature lovers in search of wildlife tracks and sign every Sunday morning in January and February. This casual weekly outing is a great way to learn or brush up on track and trail identification in a community of curious trackers of all experience levels. NBNC is a wildlife corridor regularly traveled by coyote, fox, deer, fisher, mink, and much more. There’s always animal sign to explore, with or without snow!

This program will travel up to 1 mile in snowy, cold, and/or icy conditions, potentially on uneven or hilly terrain.