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2024 Annual Gathering & Raffle

Event date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
CHC Event

Join us on Thursday, October 10th for a catered dinner and presentation from guest speaker Caitlin Littlefield, Senior Scientist at Conservation Science Partners and co-author of Beyond the Illusion of Preservation, at the Montgomery Town Hall. 

You can reserve your seat with an RSVP at this link (suggested donation $25/person). The event will also feature an online & in-person raffle of local wares, fine art, and gift-certificates (item list to be announced soon) and a selection of CHC swag for purchase. Support CHC and win great prizes.

All proceeds go towards CHC's forest stewardship and conservation work. 

Registration for this event will close on October 1st, so make sure to reserve your seat now. 

Photo credit: Jessica Boone